Wednesday 21 March 2007


Well, this was, to put it one way, an interesting lecture. I'm guessing that other people thought so too. I've never seen so many people in that lecture room before. It made me think though, why would so many people want to come to this lecture in particular? Or more to the point, what is it with people's obsession with sex, and in this case, masturbation?

To summarise the lecture, it was said that if you can control something as natural as masturbation, then you can control almost anything anyone does or thinks. I have to agree with that point, and in my opinion, the reason why so many people turned up was because they still feel like they're being controlled. Socially, there is still a taboo regarding sex, and especially regarding masturbation. Also, if you oppress a certain group of people, there is understandably a lot of interest from the oppressed group, which in my opinion, explains why this is such an interesting subject to us.

I believe the underlying issue is not about masturbation, but about sex in general, and although some people may point out that we're almost force fed sexuality by the media, that is really not what I support. Sexuality shouldn't be hyped, but it also shouldn't be a taboo subject. It should be accepted as something that just is. That would be a healthier view, in my opinion.

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