Sunday 25 March 2007


I think most of us would agree, whether or not we've been unfaithful in the past, that infidelity is bad. The question we need to ask though, is why? Isn't it human nature to have as many partners as possible? After all, genetic diversity is what makes us a successful species.

First, you would have to look at something else that's instinctual, which is the feeling of jealousy, and I think most of us would have experienced at one point or another. Most of us will also know about someone who, although entirely willing to enter an 'open relationship' will get very jealous when their partner finds other people, so polygamy isn't really an option either.

Looking at these points, the logical thing to do would be to stay in a monogamous relationship, as people do, sometimes not even speaking with other people that could be perceived as being attractive. This however has it's negative aspects; thinking about the first point, people biologically want to be with other people. This is, in my opinion, the thing that causes all the trouble in people's relationships. There's not necessarily anything 'wrong' with people that cheat, other than maybe a lack of willpower not to do so. The problem tends to be a conflict within people themselves, and which is, unfortunately, very natural.

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